About Our School

Lilliput Land Nursery School is a not-for-profit, parent-run cooperative preschool for children from 2 – 5 years old. We are located downtown Guelph and are open Monday to Friday mornings, 8:45 – 11:45 am (even on school PD days!).

Why Lilliput Land is your best preschool choice:

Our Space

Our classroom space includes dress-up and kitchen centres, building blocks and tools, sand and water tables, a quiet story centre, a science centre, and more. We also have the use of the full gym space in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church for daily exuberant play!


Lilliput Land provides a happy and safe environment for young children, where they can grow intellectually, physically and socially. Our primary goal is to assist your child in their social development, and to provide gentle preparation for the school years.

The two teachers at Lilliput Land are committed to creating a learning environment that is stimulating and rewarding, where self-esteem and self-confidence are nurtured, and self-expression and creativity are encouraged. The program allows each child to develop at their own pace.

The children are encouraged to learn by doing, and to come to understand the effects of their actions upon others. The children are never forced to accomplish more than they feel ready to attempt, while being encouraged to try new skills.

Our Preschool Program

Lilliput Land offers play and learning Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings 8:45 to 11:45 am.

Activities include dramatic play, gross motor skill development in our huge gymnasium, musical and creative activities, sensory experiences (such as water, sand, shaving cream), cognitive games, block and imaginative play, interest centres and group activities.

Lilliput Land Cooperative Nursery School has implemented an Emergent Curriculum program, as found in the provincial school system. This will help better prepare your children for their first school years and allows us to focus on a child’s interests rather than a teacher’s.

Children learn as a result of their own doing – through actions, relationships, inquiries, opportunities, and repetition – not from being passively taught. The most important goal with curriculum is to inspire delight, curiosity, and inquiry in the classroom, leading to a life-long love of learning.

The Emergent Curriculum approach creates school activities based on the child’s daily interests and our teachers will enhance and document their experiences.